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2022: Same Grind, New Places


January 5th 2022 11:10 a.m.


Hey everyone!

As we're ringing in the new year, Pyro and I are choosing to do things a little differently and we can't wait to see how Spritz + Pyro will evolve throughout this year! We've been active on Instagram since the beginning of this brand and our plan is to use it for its initial intention: to share behind-the-scenes! That leaves our blog completely open to communicate about everything else Spritz + Pyro.

Want to know more about working with resin?

maybe you're interested in learning about the woodworking or fractal burning aspect of our craft!

OR You think our art is just and you want to know more about how we manage our work/shop/life balance.

Trust me, there will be room for a variety of conversations here! So, if you like what we do, who we are, or what we're trying to accomplish, then please follow us to stay up to date!


We are booked for:

The Palm Beach Winter Boat show

Palm Beach Outlets

January 21st to 23rd

23rd Annual South Florida Garlic Fest

Wellington, FL

February 12th + 13th

Not to Mention...

Our shop will be closed until feb. 14th

But what does this mean?!

Our little Shop is packed! We're getting ready to bust our butts off working on creating this inventory for the upcoming shows and we need space. So, instead of closing everything down, I'm going to be making our products available for pre-order!

This is perfect if you're looking to do some customized work because we'll have the time to schedule consultations! Again, the physical work will not begin until we re-open the shop, but that doesn't mean we can't put our heads together and dream of something epically amazing! if you have personal gifts in mind for this season, please get in touch with us!

In full transparency, there will be another big project that we're looking forward to hopefully crushing in this mayhem...

Shop upgrades

We have been working on these plans for a while and were waiting for the time and space. Now, as we Prepare for these events, it seems to be now or never! Not to mention how much organization and proficiency we will gain from building our custom shop tables! So the first quarter of the year looks like it will be a lot of investing for us; time, energy, products, and the shop.

Seriously, we've been wanting to make the tables for so long, I can't wait now that the project is just around the corner! Besides crafting our upgrades, we recently ordered some seriously cool pigments! They're called Chameleon colors and it's a wild Mica powder that glitters and shifts from one color to something entirely different. The prismatic finish is something unique that we're excited to experiment with for a really special order! Better keep an eye out on Instagram.

We've been experiencing a wild couple of weeks lately, buuuuuuuut WE decided that it was time for us to do ourselves a favor and introduce a second Lichtenberg machine to the shop! Pyro and I made the order for the very important parts and we'll be wiring that bad boy up this week! Oh, we are about to be burning a ton Let's see how much we can burn!

Also, by popular demand, we ordered ourselves a small Card reader! This means we can accept payments in any form: cash, credit, Debit, Zelle, Paypal, and Venmo. We officially have you covered in every way, so cheers to modern day conveniences! Plus small, wonderful upgrades.

Last, but not least

We're getting a truuuuuck! This may seem silly to some of you, but for those who know us, they know how much we've loved and struggled with our Honda Accord for our businesses. It's a great car and does really well on gas, but the space is too limiting. Even back when we were cleaners, we were beginning to notice a size problem with the equipment we'd travel with. I don't think many people know this, but both Pyro and I personally always wanted our own pick-up truck, Since we were kids. With the growth of events we attend and create for, we know getting a truck would not only be a huge benefit for our business, but we'll also be accomplishing a little dream of ours!

I'm not sure how long this process will be, but we're hoping to get the truck asap! It's in the top categories of our priority list.


There are just a few projects we're catching up on and finishing. One of them being our Epic commission from 2021, but we'll get it all to you soon, promise! It's been pretty tough for me to manage, edit, and publish all of our content, but we have so many projects to share with you!

Besides all of that, we also had a very successful and exciting meeting a few weeks ago. It's too early for me to say any details yet, but I'll let you know what else we're cooking in the background once it's more solidified.

Man... I really hope this year rocks!


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